Thursday, December 1, 2011

Project 3: Composition

This collection of pictures were all taken from different places. One of my favorite factors to use when photographing things is the sun. I think that the sun adds a sense of warmth, especially the way that it reflects off clouds and creates colors. My favorite of these pictures is the one of the road, because of the angle and the lines of the road leading out to the sky.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Activity 2: Improving photo with basic adjustments

                    Original                                                                              Edited

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Numbers Project






I chose to do this series of photographs at a playground. I love the variety of colors and interesting objects there are to photograph, especially going there at sunset. My personal favorite photo is number four with the hand rings, because it perfectly captures the sunlight against the rings, making a silhouette. I like the way that the line of the bar above it curves across the picture and draws your eye along its length. If i were to do this project over again, i would probably have gone to several locations instead of just one to get more ideas. Problems that i ran into were getting pictures without families or children playing in them, and in avoiding them i didn't have the time i would like to take to get the right angle  or focus at times. Next time, i would also like to use my film camera and take the photos to be developed.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

About Me

Hi, my name is Nicollette Pepin. I am excited about my photography class and am looking forward to learning new things and experimenting with new techniques. My interest in photography began when i saw work that stood out to me. I am new to photography but i hope to develop my own personal style. My favorite subjects to photograph are probably settings and people.